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Exploring Singapore private property transactions with URA API Part 1 Exploring Singapore private property transactions with URA API Part 1 | Wei Jin Ang - Data Engineering Data Analytics

Exploring Singapore private property transactions with URA API Part 1

A quick tutorial on how to perform an API call using python without a separate IDE. API source can be found over here and you may find the stored in my github repository as well.

The entire process can be completed by following a 6-step guide. I constructed a GET request from URA’s web API to fetch rental contract data in .json format and converted the dataset in .csv format for the ease of data load into the database.

Transaction data is published by URA. Update Frequency: End of day of every 15th of the month. If it is a public holiday, the data will be updated on the following working day. Retrieval is based on quarterly period. Reference period for data retrieval is required

Below is a 6-step guide on how I constructed the GET request in python to fetch data from URA’s web API.

1. Register an account with URA to obtain your access key

Find out more here:

2. Import the required libraries

import json
import requests
import csv
import pandas as pd

These import statements load Python code that allow us to work with the data output in JSON format and the HTTP protocol.

3. Enter the YearQuarter you wish to extract the data from the API call

refperiod = '23q3'

4. Set up the HTTP GET request to retrieve a daily token

A valid token needs to be generated to gain access to the data via URA’s web API

# Enter the YearQuarter you wish to extract the data from the API call
refperiod = '23q3'

api_accesskey = 'Key in your access key'
api_url_base= ''

headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'AccessKey': api_accesskey}

def get_token():

    response = requests.get(api_url_base, headers=headers)

    if response.status_code == 200:
        return json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
        return None
token_info = get_token()

if token_info is not None:
    print("Here's your token: "+'\n'+token_info['Result'])    
    print('[!] Request Failed')

5. Send GET Request to retrieve data based on refPeriod

To retrieve a list of median rentals of private non-landed residential properties, send GET Request to URA API:

api_url_base2= ''

headers2 = {'Content-Type': 'application/json',
           'AccessKey': api_accesskey,
           'Token': token_info['Result']}

params = {'refPeriod' : refperiod}

def get_data():

    response = requests.get(api_url_base2, params=params, headers=headers2)

    if response.status_code == 200:
        return json.loads(response.content.decode('utf-8'))
        return None
data_info = get_data()

if data_info is not None:
    print("Success! json dataset to convert to csv is embedded in data_info['Result']")   
    print('[!] Request Failed')

6. Flatten nested data in json file

The data retrieved from URA’s web API is in a nested json format. We will need to flatten the nested data using json_normalize.

from import json_normalize
data = data_info['Result']
flattendata = json_normalize(data,'rental',['project','street','y','x'],errors='ignore')

7. Convert json data to .csv file, removing the index number

#convert json data to .csv file, removing the index number
flattendata.to_csv('transaction_resi_converted_raw_csv_' + refperiod + '.csv', index=False)

And it’s completed!